Current situation

Educational progress

At present, there has been a remarkable development in all aspects of the education of our school. For the quality development of education, various results development programs are being implemented and the annual educational goals are being successfully achieved.

G.C.E. (O/L) Examination

Pass percentage - 100%

First, second and third positions of the island were obtained by the students of our college.

According to the performance index values ​​issued by the Research and Development Branch of the Examinations Department of Sri Lanka, our school has been able to win the second place in the island every year based on the results of (G.C.E.) Ordinary Level exams.

G.C.E. (A/L) Examination

  • The passing percentage of the subjects of students studying in science section is about 85%.
  • Approximately 700 students enter the university system annually.
  • As a percentage of the number of students enrolled in the Sri Lankan university system annually, our college contributes 2%.
  • The Faculty of Medicine enrolls nearly 75 students from our school annually.
  • Our G.E.C. (A/L) students are able to get the first, second and third places in the island among the students appearing for the examination and a greater number of students are selected among the first ten in each section.

Concurrent activities

Many co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are implemented in the school in order to endow the society with motivated girls with a balanced personality. As a result, many co-curricular activities are implemented annually through 40 different associations for the purpose of socializing the entire society as employable, skilled women.

Sports that are implemented in our school

  •         Cricket
  •         Hockey
  •         Badminton
  •         Volleyball
  •         table tennis
  •         Hockey
  •         Karate
  •         swimming
  •         table tennis

    Our achievements

The cadet band won the Srimati Sarojani Thevanagam trophy by winning the

 first place in the entire island.

Our college drama group won the first place in all Sri Lanka.

Cricket is a very popular sport in our school and this year our school team won the overall championship of the all Ceylon school cricket tournament.

Representing our college's daughter Vishmi Gunaratne in the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team is another special opportunity.

Our school students won bronze and silver medals in Asian karate tournaments.

In the competition for selecting the best annual and financial report jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the Sri Lanka Accounting Institute, our college has managed to get silver and bronze medals by taking the second and third places in all of Sri Lanka.



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